What is Poetry?

I created this blog will be mainly all about Poetry, as the blog title has labeled it. And it may related to 'genocide' who knows? So stay tune, liked, subscribe by favoriting on your own computer. Thankx a lot! xxx

Monday, April 18, 2011

Poetry Terms: Tone

Define  The attitude of the writer toward the audience/readers. The pitch of the voice while reading expressing feelings and thoughts of the writer.
Example While you read/sing, you stress your voice to express the real feeling or you would just be a robot your whole life. Another purpose is when the character talk in the poem, the story.
Significance Tone is a basic things everyone should know while reading, if not using it, that is called making the audience sleep. It is very important using it while reading anything, to show the audience the important phrase, words and what should you be feeling right now. If you are reading the poem for deaths, the reader should show the audience the sympathize/empathize feelings.

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